Pediatric OT
From help with a newborn latch, to issues with solids and beyond, a pediatric OT can be your best resource in navigating the unknown waters of parenthood.

Whole Practice Feeding- Maria K. Podolan MS,OTR/L,CLC
Whole Practice Feeding Therapy offers in home therapies for infants and toddlers. The mission of Whole Practice is to provide guidance and intervention to optimize feeding success in infancy and early toddlerhood in the home setting.
Maria Podolan is an Occupational Therapist and Certified Lactation Counselor. Maria has over 13 years of experience as a feeding therapist, working with children in variety of settings including expansive experience in the hospital and clinic settings. For the past 6 years, Maria has worked in collaboration with specialists including breastfeeding medicine to target feeding skills that impact successful breast-feeding. In addition to this, Maria is also passionate about targeting feeding skills with table foods as soon as baby is demonstrating readiness skills in order to be successful and result in less stressful mealtimes in early toddlerhood.
Maria has training in the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) approach to feeding. Maria has been a Certified Lactation Counselor for 8 years and is certified in TBML, Therapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation.
Maria has training in tongue tie assessment using the ATLFF, Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function, via the Hazelbaker Institute.